Confirmarea rezervari la hotelul dorit se poate face prin orice card VISA sau MasterCard (sunt acceptate atat cardurile de credit cat si cele de debit). XTravel este certificata 3-D Secure de catre VISA si MasterCard prin Romcard pentru tranzactii online cu orice card.
3D Secure asigura in primul rand ca nici o informatie legata de cardul dumneavoastra nu este transferata sau stocata, la nici un moment de timp, pe serverele noastre, aceste date fiind direct introduse in sistemele Visa si MasterCard.
In plus, 3D Secure este un sistem de autentificare a identitatii posesorilor de carduri in mediu electronic. Procesul de autentificare a posesorului cardului se face pe baza codului de securitate cunoscut numai de posesor si se desfasoara numai pe serverele Visa sau MasterCard.
Sistemul 3D Secure permite efectuarea de plati on-line cu orice card emis sub licenta Visa sau MasterCard, inclusiv cele de debit si cele electronice Maestro si Visa Electron. Sunt acceptate si cardurile virtuale emise de aceste organizatii.
Securizat de:
ROMCARD 3D-Secure Technology SSL
Securitatea tranzactiilor la Hoteluri Cluj este oferita de RomCard liderul roman in domeniul sistemelor de plata prin carti de credit.
Proiectul AVANTGARDEN 3 se realizeaza ca urmare a succesului proiectelor Avantgarden 1 si 2 MAURER&KASPER IMOBILIARE, cu o experienta de peste 600 de locuinte finalizate, continua dezvoltarea cartierului rezidential prin construirea celui de-al treilea proiect imobiliar Avantgarden 3.
Situat in partea de nord a oraComplexul Rezidendin 20 imobile noi (deja construite), cu un confort deosebit concept arhitectural european.
Lider pe piata de constructii imobiliare, Avantgarden 3 a inregistrat pana in prezent peste 480 de locuinte vandute in 16 luni de la demararea proiectului. Din cele 5 cladiri vandute in proportie de 100% , prima cladire a fost finalizata si predata, urmatoarele 2 cladiri se apropie de finalizarea lucrarilor , iar cladirile 4 si 5 sunt ridicate pana la nivelul 7, respectiv 6. S-a scos la vanzarea cea de-a sasea cladire care s-a vandut deja in proportie de 50%.
Facilitati zonale
Principalele avantaje ale amplasarii cartierului Avantgarden:
Zona rezidentiala noua, linistita, cu vedere spre Tampa, la 5 minute de centru
La doar 1 km de cartier- viitor campus universitar la care s-au inceput lucrarile de constructie
La 4-5 minute de diferite gradinite si scoli generale
La 6 minute de Paradisul Acvatic si 100 m de un teren de fotbal acoperit
Locuri de joaca amenajate pentru copii; Kinder-Land; cinematograful Cityplex. Shopping: Metro, Eliana Mall, Real, Brintex, Tekzen supermarket, Hornbach, piata agro-alimentara
In apropiere : clinici private, farmacii, reprezentante auto, benzinarii, biserici
Mijloace de transport in comun, acces rapid spre centrul Brasov
Cartierul Avantgarden se intinde pe o suprafata de 16,5 ha. Din aceasta suprafata Proiectul Avantgarden 3 ocupa 9,5 ha. Aici vor fi construite 1800 de locuinte, in blocuri de 5 si 7 etaje.
Desi PUZ-ul permitea construirea a 350.000 de metri patrati in blocuri de tip P+15 in cele 9,5 ha ale Avantgarden 3, investitorul a decis ridicarea a numai 130.000 metri patrati cu blocuri deP+5 si P+7 pentru a oferi clientilor locuinte luminoase intr-un spatiu deschis, prietenos, cu multa verdeata.
Comentariile clientilor nostri:
Guillermo (Madrid Spain) - 4/9/2008 This descricion is real far away from a terror movie. Motanul Galanton PENSION
Firs of all I would said that the only problem that I have in Rumania whit a pension whas the next one.
I have been in others in Sighisoara (Transilvania) for example and it where really good. But this is another description.
2 th april 2008, 11 pm, Me and a friend where close to Bucarest airport looking for a pension to avoid the previsible problems due to NATO miting in Bucarest.
When we arrived to the pension the treat in the recepcion was good, no problem. The room was fine as well.
The problems apears later, at 12am in the night, the music in the recepcion was really high, imposible to sleep. We where to speak with the recepcionist and we find a small party in the saloon, 7 people totally drunk, but we explained to the reception man that we want to sleep, he said that there was no problem, they where going to reduce the volume of the music.
We returned to our room, the music was reduced but was not enought so at 2am in the night we went again to said that whit this sound was impossible to sleep.
We explained to the recepcionist and the manager of the pension, whom where totally drunk that we where spanish and we understand party but we thought that at that hour (thuesday 2am in a pension) it was no reasonable and that we wanted the total stop of the noise.
The answer where that the only posibilitie was to change the room, not to stop the party or the noise.
We answered that it was not enought and in this case we want back our money.
Far away of apologized they( 7 people drunk) begun to insult us, they put the maximun volume etc etc, it is no easy in a foreing country to speak with this kind of people. What can you do when the manager of a pension insult you totally drunk and said that this is a pension and is not a hotel so they can do what ever he want?
We said them that we where going to call the police, they laughted of us and said us that the police was their friend.
As we didnt want more problems, we returned to our new room that they given us where of course the noise was horrible.
We try to rest, but you can imagine....and the next day early in the morning we discover a little present from them in our rent car, one of the tire was punctured.
This is what you can find in Motanul Galanton PENSION, absolutly not recommended.